Ringo Starr on DVD: 31 March 1969

A. Title: Associated Press.
Location: Film Studios, Twickenham. Country: England.
Date: Monday 31 March 1969. Aired: .

The dating is an educated guess based on the fact that I have a photograph, dated 31 March 1969,
which could have been taken on the same day as these captures. They are part of an
Associated Press newsreel
but must have been filmed on a different occasion because Ringo Starr is wearing different clothes.

Source: Associated Press

B.a. Title: .
Location: Film Studios, Twickenham. Country: England.
Date: Monday 31 March 1969. Aired: .

Source: It Don’t Come Easy (1)

B.b. Title: .
Location: Film Studios, Twickenham. Country: England.
Date: Monday 31 March 1969. Aired: .

Source: Real Love (2)

The Beatles on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 3 April 2013.

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