John Lennon on DVD: 4 April 1975

A.a. Title: Un jour futur.
Location: The Dakota, New York, NY. Country: United States.
Date: Friday 4 April 1975. Aired: Saturday 28 June 1975.

Chip Madinger and Scott Raile, authors of the forthcoming Strange Days Indeed, provided the correct date.
A slightly murkier dub appears on disc 2 of MCP’s Listen to This (second capture).

Source: V-009. [Unbootlegged.] (41:12)

A.b. Title: Un jour futur.
Location: The Dakota, New York, NY. Country: United States.
Date: Friday 4 April 1975. Aired: Saturday 28 June 1975.


A.c. Title: Un jour futur.
Location: The Dakota, New York, NY. Country: United States.
Date: Friday 4 April 1975. Aired: .

From a re-broadcast.

Source: JL-003-D. "The Benefit Concerts" (Disc 2) (MCP) (5:54)

A.d. Title: Un jour futur.
Location: The Dakota, New York, NY. Country: United States.
Date: Friday 4 April 1975. Aired: .

Source: V-066. [Unbootlegged.] (8:35)

B. Title: Un jour futur.
Location: The Dakota, New York, NY. Country: United States.
Date: Friday 4 April 1975. Aired: [Raw footage].

Source: V-009. [Unbootlegged.] (20:02)

The Beatles on DVD © 2017 Bamiyan. Last revised on 8 August 2011.

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